Design and technology of large green walls using the M30

Design and technology of large green walls using the M30

Design and technology of large green walls using the M30

Nov 16, 2023

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Nature-based solutions are essential to design environmentally friendly urbanism.

In this webinar, designed specifically for professionals in the design and writing of green wall and green facade projects, we will explore the technical aspects that influence the appropriate choice of high-performance construction systems.

We will use the case study of the M30 green walls, one of the largest in Europe that covers an area of ​​3,250 square meters to cover concrete walls with 23 highly durable plant species capable of absorbing VOCs.

The webinar will take place on November 30, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (UTC+1), and will be held in  English . It will be directed by Fernando Hidalgo, Technical Director, and Sabrina Crovetto, Technical Advisor and Architectural Business Developer at Urban Therapy.

Topics to be covered in the webinar:

  • Technical approach in design and installation.
  • Key considerations in selecting construction systems for long-term success.
  • Integration of Terapia Urbana’s Fytotextile® technology into projects.

How to attend?

Attending is simple. Just do Click here and complete the registration form.

Since spaces are limited, it is necessary to register in advance; We will review your profile and confirm your registration as soon as possible.

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of high-performance green walls and discover how nature and technology come together to create sustainable solutions.